Intuitive Energy

Healings & Readings

Utilizing Energy Medicine for Psychic and personalized readings, energy healings, spiritual counsel and mediumship


Intuitive Energy

Healings & Readings

Utilizing Energy Medicine for Psychic and personalized readings, energy healings, spiritual counsel and mediumship


Intuitive Energy Healings

My name is Abbey Pilgeram, and I am an intuitive energy healer and coach. I read, see, and feel energy, and use my psychic gifts and abilities to support others.

In our work together, I connect with the essence of your soul and body, I communicate with Source, your guides, angels, teachers, and loved ones that have passed on, to read and relay information, and clear and cleanse the energy around a subject or struggle you’ve brought to me.

I can tune in to any area of your life and relay helpful information to you, pass along messages from your loved ones, help deepen your understanding of your soul's journey, and facilitate energy healings and soul activations.

Releasing Old Energies

We dive deep in our sessions! Because everything is energy, everything (beliefs, patterns, conditioning, parts of ourselves, foreign energies, experiences we have, etc.) leaves an energetic signature or ‘mark’.

In our sessions together, I track all related energies associated with a given struggle or trigger, and we transmute, alchemize, and remove all energies that are ready to leave.

We bring in the energies that you are looking to manifest and receive in your life, including all of your soul pieces so you can shine as brightly as possible!

“I've been working consistently with Abbey since March of 2018, and she continues to astound me. I was absolutely at a place of giving up after having worked with so many healers over the years and using numerous clearing modalities, experiencing moderate at best results, all of which were fleeting shifts/changes. I desperately wanted to experience life differently and really needed to know who I was outside of the continuously recycled experiences my life had always been.

Abbey is a spectacularly gifted healer, and her work with me has quite literally changed the landscape of my life. Life is not now just about survival for me, heavy and traumatic. There is far more love, abundance, success and choice. I get to choose now rather than being stuck in all of the ancient business of the things we bring with us into this life. With every session with Abbey, I'm more liberated, so more of my own true essence comes back and comes on-line. I have far greater agency to govern and navigate my own path. This work and Abbey have changed every aspect of my life.”

- Kate C.

Abbey Pilgeram

Creating a New Reality

Our external reality is a reflection of our internal reality, and by changing our internal constructs, we can change the way our life looks and feels on the outside.

Oftentimes, people are drawn to me to work around their current struggles in life and release unprocessed emotions, traumas, and limiting beliefs. We gain deeper clarity on what you’re truly desiring and needing in this moment.

We look at your soul's journey and what wants to leave and help you discover what wants to come in, the potential of what your life could be. 

Connection with Source

At the core of our work, is creating and cultivating an intimate relationship with the Divine (also referred to as universal energy field, source, creation).

It is through this relationship that you can choose to expand your intuition, understand what lessons you are currently learning, ease your everyday struggles, and how to live a life of intention that is aligned with Creation and your Highest Souls desire.

It is through this pure energy field, that all things are known, all things are healed, and all things are manifested. It is who and what we are, at the very core of our being. 

Abbey Pilgeram
Abbey Pilgeram

Unraveling the Layers of Our Reality

There are many components and pieces to a person's reality.

Our beliefs, social and familial conditioning, cultural location that we live, our many experiences, our past lives and souls experiences, foreign energies, spiritual lessons, and of course our dreams and desires of what we’d like to experience.

All of these things come together in a unique way to create the very moment we’re in now. In our work, we work on all energetic and dimensional levels to accelerate your own personal growth and transformation. 

Awakening Your True Potential

This entire Earth is surrounded by an energy field, an energy field that changes and moves and is the foundation of what reality is made of.

During my energy readings and clearings, I go into an altered state of consciousness to open channels of communication from your spirit, loved ones, guides, and Creation. I am gifted and hold sensitivities to be able to read, see, and feel this energy and information around us.

This communication is filled with your souls messages of guidance, clarity, and wisdom for you, revealing your souls journey and lessons of what you’re currently learning and experiencing here on Earth.

I read and relay to you all messages and energy that I receive, as these messages help us navigate our everyday life struggles and issues.

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Abbey Pilgeram

Awakening Your True Potential

At the same time, your spirit and spirit teachers relay instructions to me on what energy wants to be released and cleared from your energy field and aura. I use a variety of different energy healing techniques to read the imbalances in your field, and we cleanse and release all foreign energies and illusions, layer by layer, to thoroughly cleanse your energy field.

Through our work, your energy field will activate to higher vibration frequencies, and that is of deeper alignment with your own sense of self and personal truths.

We work on the energetic cellular level to heal and activate your DNA and genetic potential, increasing the body's ability to heal and restore through its natural channels and reserves, which can accelerate healing in physical wounds, release stored emotional energy and pain, and help you open and receive energetic activations that will restore your auric field and your innate ability to heal yourself, maintain energetic hygiene, and have a deeper ability to hear your own internal sense of knowing and truth.

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My Mission

My mission is to support people in being the fullest, truest, and best expression of themselves, and to be energetically clean and alive, at every level, through energy readings, healings and activations.

I believe that healing starts with ourselves and when we nurture the light within us, we can then support and lead the way for others to do the same.

"I only had one session with Abbey and it was truly a life-changing experience. I felt really listened to, heard and understood like never before. Abbey has a profound understanding of the impact trauma has on someone's life on all levels and she was so supportive, in a very respectful and humble manner.

She has a unique way of empowering women, like a gentle guiding hand, creating a safe environment for healing to occur. Meeting her was like encountering a long last sister, like finally coming home in some way. When she said to me "you can do this" I believed her and I started believing more in myself. She helped me to help myself, to find the strength within and get through one of the hardest periods of my life. I'm truly grateful and I would recommend anyone who wants to change their life for the better to work with Abbey. Her very presence is healing, a beacon of light and hope. Thank you Abbey, from the bottom of my heart! Looking forward to connecting with you again! Much love, soul sister!"

- D.L.